package com.bluejamesbond.text; /* * Copyright 2015 Mathew Kurian * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * @author Mathew Kurian * * From TextJustify-Android Library v2.0 * * * Please report any issues * * * Date: 1/27/15 3:35 AM */ import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.StaticLayout; import android.text.TextPaint; import; import; import; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; public abstract class SpannableDocumentLayout extends IDocumentLayout { private static final int TOKEN_START = 0; private static final int TOKEN_END = 1; private static final int TOKEN_X = 2; private static final int TOKEN_Y = 3; private static final int TOKEN_ASCENT = 4; private static final int TOKEN_DESCENT = 5; private static final int TOKEN_LINE = 6; private static final int TOKEN_LENGTH = 7; private TextPaint workPaint; private LinkedList<LeadingMarginSpanDrawParameters> mLeadMarginSpanDrawEvents; private int[] tokens; public SpannableDocumentLayout(Context context, TextPaint paint) { super(context, paint); workPaint = new TextPaint(paint); tokens = new int[0]; } private static int pushToken(int[] tokens, int index, int start, int end, float x, float y, float ascent, float descent, int line) { Assert.assertTrue(index % TOKEN_LENGTH == 0); tokens[index + TOKEN_START] = start; tokens[index + TOKEN_END] = end; tokens[index + TOKEN_X] = (int) x; tokens[index + TOKEN_Y] = (int) y; tokens[index + TOKEN_ASCENT] = (int) ascent; tokens[index + TOKEN_DESCENT] = (int) descent; tokens[index + TOKEN_LINE] = line; return index + TOKEN_LENGTH; } private static int[] ammortizeArray(int[] array, int index) { if (index >= array.length) { int[] newArray = new int[array.length * 2]; Arrays.fill(newArray, Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, array.length); return newArray; } return array; } private static LinkedList<Integer> tokenize(CharSequence source, int start, int end) { LinkedList<Integer> units = new LinkedList<>(); if (start >= end) { return units; } boolean charSearch = source.charAt(start) == ' '; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { // If the end add the word group if (i + 1 == end) { units.add(i + 1); start = i + 1; } // Search for the start of non-space else if (charSearch && source.charAt(i) != ' ') { if ((i - start) > 0) { units.add(i); } start = i; charSearch = false; } // Search for the end of non-space else if (!charSearch && source.charAt(i) == ' ') { units.add(i); start = i + 1; // Skip the space charSearch = true; } } return units; } /** * Returns the length that the specified CharSequence would have if * spaces and control characters were trimmed from the start and end, * as by {@link String#trim}. */ protected int getTrimmedLength(CharSequence s, int start, int end) { while (start < end && s.charAt(start) <= ' ') { start++; } int endCpy = end; while (endCpy > start && s.charAt(endCpy - 1) <= ' ') { endCpy--; } return endCpy - start; } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Override public boolean onMeasure(IProgress<Float> progress, ICancel<Boolean> cancelled) { boolean done = true; float parentWidth = params.getParentWidth(); float boundWidth = params.getParentWidth() - params.getInsetPaddingLeft() - params.getInsetPaddingRight(); mLeadMarginSpanDrawEvents = new LinkedList<>(); StaticLayout staticLayout = new StaticLayout(getText(), (TextPaint) getPaint(), (int) boundWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, 0, false); int[] newTokens = new int[TOKEN_LENGTH * 1000]; LeadingMarginSpan[] activeLeadSpans = new LeadingMarginSpan[0]; HashMap<LeadingMarginSpan, Integer> leadSpans = new HashMap<>(); TextAlignment defAlign = params.textAlignment; Spannable textCpy = (Spannable) this.text; Paint.FontMetricsInt fmi = paint.getFontMetricsInt(); int maxTextIndex = textCpy.length() - 1; int lines = staticLayout.getLineCount(); int enableLineBreak = 0; int index = 0; int lineNumber; float x; float y = params.insetPaddingTop; float left = params.insetPaddingLeft; float right = params.insetPaddingRight; float lineHeightAdd = params.lineHeightMultiplier; float lastAscent; float lastDescent; boolean isParaStart = true; boolean isReverse = params.reverse; for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < lines; lineNumber++) { if (cancelled.isCancelled()) { done = false; break; } progress.onUpdate((float) lineNumber / (float) lines); newTokens = ammortizeArray(newTokens, index); int start = staticLayout.getLineStart(lineNumber); int end = staticLayout.getLineEnd(lineNumber); float realWidth = boundWidth; if (params.debugging) { Console.log(start + " => " + end + " :: " + " " + -staticLayout.getLineAscent(lineNumber) + " " + staticLayout.getLineDescent(lineNumber) + " " + textCpy.subSequence(start, end) .toString()); } // start == end => end of textCpy if (start == end || lineNumber >= params.maxLines) { break; } // Get textCpy alignment for the line TextAlignmentSpan[] textAlignmentSpans = textCpy.getSpans(start, end, TextAlignmentSpan.class); TextAlignment lineTextAlignment = textAlignmentSpans.length == 0 ? defAlign : textAlignmentSpans[0].getTextAlignment(); // Calculate components of line height lastAscent = -staticLayout.getLineAscent(lineNumber); lastDescent = staticLayout.getLineDescent(lineNumber) + lineHeightAdd; // Handle reverse DirectionSpan[] directionSpans = textCpy.getSpans(start, end, DirectionSpan.class); isReverse = directionSpans.length > 0 ? directionSpans[0].isReverse() : params.reverse; // Line is ONLY a <br/> or \n if (start + 1 == end && (Character.getNumericValue(textCpy.charAt(start)) == -1 || textCpy.charAt(start) == '\n')) { // Line break indicates a new paragraph // is next isParaStart = true; // Use the line-height of the next line if (lineNumber + 1 < lines) { y += enableLineBreak * (-staticLayout.getLineAscent(lineNumber + 1) + staticLayout .getLineDescent(lineNumber + 1)); } // Don't ignore the next line breaks enableLineBreak = 1; continue; } else { // Ignore the next line break enableLineBreak = 0; } x = lineTextAlignment == TextAlignment.RIGHT ? right : left; y += lastAscent; // Line CONTAINS a \n boolean isParaEnd = end == maxTextIndex || textCpy.charAt(Math.min(end, maxTextIndex)) == '\n' || textCpy.charAt(end - 1) == '\n'; if (isParaEnd) { enableLineBreak = 1; } // LeadingMarginSpan block if (isParaStart) { // Process LeadingMarginSpan activeLeadSpans = textCpy.getSpans(start, end, LeadingMarginSpan.class); // Set up all the spans if (activeLeadSpans.length > 0) { for (LeadingMarginSpan leadSpan : activeLeadSpans) { if (!leadSpans.containsKey(leadSpan)) { // Default margin is everything int marginLineCount = -1; if (leadSpan instanceof LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2) { LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2 leadSpan2 = ((LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2) leadSpan); marginLineCount = leadSpan2.getLeadingMarginLineCount(); } leadSpans.put(leadSpan, marginLineCount); } } } } float totalMargin = 0.0f; int top = (int) (y - lastAscent); int baseline = (int) (y); int bottom = (int) (y + lastDescent); for (LeadingMarginSpan leadSpan : activeLeadSpans) { // TOKEN_X based on alignment float calcX = x; // LineAlignment int lineAlignmentVal = 1; if (lineTextAlignment == TextAlignment.RIGHT) { lineAlignmentVal = -1; calcX = parentWidth - x; } // Get current line count int spanLines = leadSpans.get(leadSpan); // Update only if the valid next valid if (spanLines > 0 || spanLines == -1) { leadSpans.put(leadSpan, spanLines == -1 ? -1 : spanLines - 1); mLeadMarginSpanDrawEvents .add(new LeadingMarginSpanDrawParameters(leadSpan, (int) calcX, lineAlignmentVal, top, baseline, bottom, start, end, isParaStart)); // Is margin required? totalMargin += leadSpan.getLeadingMargin(isParaStart); } } x += totalMargin; realWidth -= totalMargin; // Disable/enable new paragraph isParaStart = isParaEnd; // TextAlignmentSpan block if (isParaEnd && lineTextAlignment == TextAlignment.JUSTIFIED) { lineTextAlignment = isReverse ? TextAlignment.RIGHT : TextAlignment.LEFT; } if (params.debugging) { Console.log(String.format("Align: %s, X: %fpx, Y: %fpx, PWidth: %fpx", lineTextAlignment, x, y, parentWidth)); } switch (lineTextAlignment) { case RIGHT: { float lineWidth = Styled.measureText(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, end, fmi); index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, end, parentWidth - x - lineWidth, y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber); y += lastDescent; continue; } case CENTER: { float lineWidth = Styled.measureText(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, end, fmi); index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, end, x + (realWidth - lineWidth) / 2, y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber); y += lastDescent; continue; } case LEFT: { index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, end, x, y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber); y += lastDescent; continue; } } // FIXME: Space at the end of each line, possibly due to scrollbar offset // LinkedList<Integer> tokenized = tokenize(textCpy, start, end - 1); // FIXME: 2016/4/16 Issue #105 bug LinkedList<Integer> tokenized = tokenize(textCpy, start, end); // If one long word without any spaces if (tokenized.size() == 1) { int stop = tokenized.get(0); // If not all space, process // characters individually if (getTrimmedLength(textCpy, start, stop) != 0) { float[] textWidths = new float[stop - start]; float sum = 0.0f, textsOffset = 0.0f, offset; int m = 0; Styled.getTextWidths(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, stop, textWidths, fmi); for (float tw : textWidths) { sum += tw; } offset = (realWidth - sum) / (textWidths.length - 1); for (int k = start; k < stop; k++) { index = pushToken(newTokens, index, k, k + 1, x + textsOffset + (offset * m), y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber); newTokens = ammortizeArray(newTokens, index); textsOffset += textWidths[m++]; } } } // Handle multiple words else { int m = 1; int indexOffset = 0; int startIndex = index; int reqSpaces = (tokenized.size() - 1) * TOKEN_LENGTH; int rtlZero = 0; float rtlRight = 0; float rtlMul = 1; float lineWidth = 0; float offset; if (isReverse) { indexOffset = -2 * TOKEN_LENGTH; rtlRight = parentWidth; rtlMul = -1; rtlZero = 1; // reverse index index += reqSpaces; } // more space newTokens = ammortizeArray(newTokens, index + reqSpaces); for (int stop : tokenized) { float wordWidth = Styled.measureText(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, stop, fmi); // add word index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, stop, rtlRight + rtlMul * (x + lineWidth + rtlZero * wordWidth), y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber); lineWidth += wordWidth; start = stop + 1; // based on if rtl index += indexOffset; } if (isReverse) { index = startIndex + reqSpaces + TOKEN_LENGTH; } offset = (realWidth - lineWidth) / (float) (tokenized.size() - 1); if (isReverse) { for (int pos = index - TOKEN_LENGTH * 2; pos >= startIndex; pos -= TOKEN_LENGTH) { newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X] = (int) (((float) newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X]) - (offset * (float) m++)); } } else { for (int pos = startIndex + TOKEN_LENGTH; pos < index; pos += TOKEN_LENGTH) { newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X] = (int) (((float) newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X]) + (offset * (float) m++)); } } } y += lastDescent; } lineCount = lineNumber; tokens = newTokens; params.changed = false; textChange = !done; measuredHeight = (int) (y - lineHeightAdd + params.insetPaddingBottom); return done; } @Override public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, int scrollTop, int scrollBottom) { if (tokens.length < TOKEN_LENGTH) { return; } Spannable textCpy = (Spannable) this.text; int startIndex = getTokenForVertical(scrollTop, TokenPosition.START_OF_LINE); int endIndex = getTokenForVertical(scrollBottom, TokenPosition.END_OF_LINE); boolean defIsReverse = false; for (LeadingMarginSpanDrawParameters parameters : mLeadMarginSpanDrawEvents) { // FIXME sort by Y and break out of loop int top = - scrollTop; int bottom = parameters.bottom - scrollTop; if (bottom < 0 || top > scrollBottom) continue; parameters.span.drawLeadingMargin(canvas, paint, parameters.x, parameters.dir, top, parameters.baseline, bottom, textCpy, parameters.start, parameters.end, parameters.first, null); } int lastEndIndexY = tokens[endIndex + TOKEN_Y]; int diffEndIndexYCount = 1; // FIXME Find next pos-y for (int s = endIndex; diffEndIndexYCount > 0 && s < tokens.length; s += TOKEN_LENGTH) { endIndex += TOKEN_LENGTH; if (lastEndIndexY != tokens[s + TOKEN_Y]) { diffEndIndexYCount--; lastEndIndexY = tokens[s + TOKEN_Y]; } } for (int index = startIndex; index < endIndex; index += TOKEN_LENGTH) { if (tokens[index + TOKEN_START] == Integer.MAX_VALUE) break; DirectionSpan[] directionSpans = textCpy.getSpans(tokens[index + TOKEN_START], tokens[index + TOKEN_END], DirectionSpan.class); Styled.drawText(canvas, textCpy, tokens[index + TOKEN_START], tokens[index + TOKEN_END], Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, directionSpans.length > 0 ? directionSpans[0].isReverse() : defIsReverse, tokens[index + TOKEN_X], 0, tokens[index + TOKEN_Y] - scrollTop, 0, paint, workPaint, false); if (params.debugging) { int lastColor = paint.getColor(); float lastStrokeWidth = paint.getStrokeWidth(); paint.setStrokeWidth(2); paint.setColor(Color.GREEN); canvas.drawLine(0, tokens[index + TOKEN_Y] - tokens[index + TOKEN_ASCENT] - scrollTop, params.parentWidth, tokens[index + TOKEN_Y] - tokens[index + TOKEN_ASCENT] - scrollTop, paint); paint.setColor(Color.CYAN); canvas.drawLine(0, tokens[index + TOKEN_Y] + tokens[index + TOKEN_DESCENT] - scrollTop, params.parentWidth, tokens[index + TOKEN_Y] + tokens[index + TOKEN_DESCENT] - scrollTop, paint); paint.setColor(lastColor); paint.setStrokeWidth(lastStrokeWidth); } } } @Override public float getTokenAscent(int tokenIndex) { return tokens[tokenIndex + TOKEN_ASCENT]; } @Override public float getTokenDescent(int tokenIndex) { return tokens[tokenIndex + TOKEN_DESCENT]; } @Override public int getTokenForVertical(float y, TokenPosition position) { int high = Math.max(0, tokens.length - 1); int low = 0; while (low + 1 < high) { int mid = (high + low) / 2; int midx = mid - (mid % TOKEN_LENGTH); int fY = tokens[midx + TOKEN_Y]; if (fY > y) { high = mid; } else { low = mid; } } switch (position) { default: case START_OF_LINE: { low -= low % TOKEN_LENGTH; for (int s = low; s > 0 && tokens[s + TOKEN_Y] >= y; s -= TOKEN_LENGTH) { low -= TOKEN_LENGTH; } return low; } case END_OF_LINE: { high -= high % TOKEN_LENGTH; for (int s = high; s + TOKEN_LENGTH < tokens.length && tokens[s + TOKEN_Y] <= y; s += TOKEN_LENGTH) { high += TOKEN_LENGTH; } return high; } } } @Override public int getLineForToken(int tokenIndex) { return tokens[tokenIndex + TOKEN_LINE]; } @Override public int getTokenStart(int tokenIndex) { return tokens[tokenIndex + TOKEN_START]; } @Override public int getTokenEnd(int tokenIndex) { return tokens[tokenIndex + TOKEN_END]; } @Override public float getTokenTopAt(int tokenIndex) { return tokens[tokenIndex + TOKEN_Y]; } @Override public CharSequence getTokenTextAt(int index) { return text.subSequence(tokens[index + TOKEN_START], tokens[index + TOKEN_END]); } @Override public boolean isTokenized() { return tokens != null; } /** * Class to handle onDrawLeadingSpanMargin */ private class LeadingMarginSpanDrawParameters { public int x; public int top; public int baseline; public int bottom; public int dir; public int start; public int end; public boolean first; public LeadingMarginSpan span; public LeadingMarginSpanDrawParameters(LeadingMarginSpan span, int x, int dir, int top, int baseline, int bottom, int start, int end, boolean first) { this.span = span; this.x = x; this.dir = dir; = top; this.baseline = baseline; this.bottom = bottom; this.start = start; this.end = end; this.first = first; } } }